I just finished going through all the RSVPs we have so far. They are coming in kind of fast today, so that could easily change things. But right now it looks like May 11th is the best bet followed by May 4th. The only downside I see so far to May 11th is
that Mother's day is the following day. But there are no competing events that I can find scheduled for that day and no conflicts with anyone who has RSVP'd so far. Then again, maybe there are no competing events because who would schedule an event that close to Mother's Day? But there is a run on Mother's Day itself, so maybe that weekend is okay. I really don't know. Carol will be asking people their opinions and you can email us yours.
that Mother's day is the following day. But there are no competing events that I can find scheduled for that day and no conflicts with anyone who has RSVP'd so far. Then again, maybe there are no competing events because who would schedule an event that close to Mother's Day? But there is a run on Mother's Day itself, so maybe that weekend is okay. I really don't know. Carol will be asking people their opinions and you can email us yours.
So here is my thinking so far. The last two weekends in May are out because of the Pole Peddle Paddle and Memorial Day. There may be dates we can use in April, but all of them would exclude at least two people who have RSVP'd and I still have not checked for conflicting events. May 4th is the 25th anniversary of the Salmon Run along the Deschutes River. No one has mentioned this date as a conflict, but that is a pretty big event that benefits the Environmental Center. So it might be good to avoid that date if possible. On the other hand, I think I'd rather offend the Environmental Center than mothers. So I don't know.
If you have any thoughts on all of this, please let me know. Click here to email.
Happy trails, Bill
Happy trails, Bill