If you haven't yet RSVP'd, it would really be great if you could. It is best if you use the form below, but you can also email us or do it in person when you see us. A phone number is still in the works.
We now have a tri-fold brochure describing the event and making it a bit easier to figure out how to RSVP. It replaces that long sheet that some of you got. One thing that is both new and helpful in the brochure is some tips on distance hiking. Eventually there will be a link on this blog for even more great tips. Be sure to get a copy from Carol or myself. You can also use it if you want to tell others about the event. Take more than one if you want. I hope to have some available at the host site by
tomorrow. The brochure isn't perfect, but it is a really good start. I'll probably revise it next week just after I pin down a really exciting announcement I'll have to report. I'll be needing to get that in the brochure. So if you have feedback on the brochure, please let us know.
Btw, you may have noticed that the wording of things on this site and elsewhere keeps changing. It is all kind of a work in progress and my guess is that, on your end, there may seem to be no rhyme or reason for some changes. Usually there is an easy explanation like a math error or the realization that something I wrote will be serving more puposes than I had originally intended. Remember that while all of this does need to happen, the core of the event remains the same: people will come out and hike and that will raise money for something really cool to be done in the park. This is one of those situations where you have to first wade through some complicated issues to reach your goal of keeping everything simple. So far, so good. I can't even think of one issue that has me in the least bit concerned.
Happy trails, Bill
UPDATE: This was the website where we figured out what SMB would be. Then we created a new site for SMB 2014. Then, in March, 2014, we launched a REAL website for the event and our nonprofit called Pilot Butte Summit Seekers. Check it out...
Kind of cool to watch it change from something we literally made up as we went along to something that was built on the efforts of so many and actually planned to some degree. It will be fun to watch the new website take shape over the coming months.
Btw, if you haven't heard, SMB 2014 is May 10th!
Note: Many functions on this old site have been removed or disabled, but the blog remains as a record of the SMB journey.