The forecast for the temperature on Saturday continues to climb. Tonight the prediction is 83. With a couple days left, I am hoping it will start moving in the other direction. Good news is no precipitation is in the forecast. So maybe the humidity will be low. I'll take 83 degrees and low humidity over a day like today every time. Somehow, I really think it will end up being a perfect day.
If you are planning to hike more than you usually do, be sure to use sunscreen even if it is partly cloudy. If you forget, we'll have some available. We are getting closer to the point where dog owners might need to get concerned, but we aren't quite there yet. One suggestion we got was to feel the pavement with your hand. If it is too hot for you, then it is probably too hot for your dog. But remember, that is the pavement. The trail should be fine in these temperatures. At least that is what we are being told. If you want to be absolutely sure, we have been told that booties are great if your dog will wear them.
We had a meeting with the Shindig volunteers tonight and we came up with a lot of things we can do to help everyone beat the heat. Beyond that, remember that it won't be too long now until we are wishing the temperature was "just" 83 degrees.
Lots of things in the works at this time. I should have a lot to report tomorrow and Friday.
UPDATE: This was the website where we figured out what SMB would be. Then we created a new site for SMB 2014. Then, in March, 2014, we launched a REAL website for the event and our nonprofit called Pilot Butte Summit Seekers. Check it out...
Kind of cool to watch it change from something we literally made up as we went along to something that was built on the efforts of so many and actually planned to some degree. It will be fun to watch the new website take shape over the coming months.
Btw, if you haven't heard, SMB 2014 is May 10th!
Note: Many functions on this old site have been removed or disabled, but the blog remains as a record of the SMB journey.