UPDATE: This was the website where we figured out what SMB would be. Then we created a new site for SMB 2014. Then, in March, 2014, we launched a REAL website for the event and our nonprofit called Pilot Butte Summit Seekers. Check it out...


Kind of cool to watch it change from something we literally made up as we went along to something that was built on the efforts of so many and actually planned to some degree. It will be fun to watch the new website take shape over the coming months.

Btw, if you haven't heard, SMB 2014 is May 10th!

Note: Many functions on this old site have been removed or disabled, but the blog remains as a record of the SMB journey.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Now we're buzzing! Twitter contest starts.

Last night we started getting a lot of RSVP's and that has continued this morning.  Keep up the good work as we try for 300 or more total RSVP's (people and dogs) by Friday night.  It seems to be helping when people wear their Event Buttons as they hike this week.  Get yours from Carol or me.  They look like this:

Well, they look a little better than that actually.  You get the idea.

We are starting the twitter contest before SMB to enhance the "Buzz on the Butte" and to make sure everything works (Twitter is kind of new to me). The contest is called: "CONTAGIOUS, OUTRAGEOUS, ENGAGE US!"

  • Tweet something about SMB that fits into one of those three categories.
  • Tweet as often as you like.  The more you tweet the better your chances to win.
  • Make sure to end each tweet with #bendSMB or #bendsmb (both the same in Twitter).  
  • The contest runs until the end of the day on Saturday.  
  • First, second, and third place winners will raise extra money for Pilot Butte. 
 Let's get tweeting.  Here's the SMB twitter page:

Happy trails, Bill