- Total times to the top (all hikers) = 615
- Total Miles Hiked =1457
- Total Participants = 372
- Total Personal bests = 176
I think I had predicted a higher number of personal bests when I did my calculations two weeks before SMB. The hot weather may have affected that or maybe I was just wrong. What saved the day was:
- a lot more participants than I expected.
- an unbelievable total times to the top.
- 250+ miles more than what was needed to capture Starbucks $300 Mega-Sponsor pledge.
We started the day with about 250 RSVP's and ended the day with 372 participants. I know that some of the RSVP's didn't show up. That means we did a great job of getting people into the event. The estimates I've heard from several people are that at least half of the people hiking the Butte were wearing SMB buttons. Some put the figure as high as two-thirds or more. That's really good when you consider the fact that a lot of people ended up registering as they were ending their hikes.
Dogs were a big help as well. There were a lot more dogs in SMB than we expected and, because dogs raised double, their contribution was big.
Now that I know we raised all of the money, I'm going to move on to the ballots. But we will get back to this topic later. I want to review the explanations of why people said they did their personal best on Saturday. I saw a few and there are some good stories to be found there. Also, it looks like we had a really broad range of ages participating along with quite a mixture of different types of hikers (some who this was their first time hiking the Butte all the way up to many who hike it almost every day). Those numbers should be interesting as well.
Happy trails, Bill